Posts in Category: Berlin – Wedding

Life in Berlin-Wedding.

Unique Fashionable Outfits

Berlin´s Summer Fashion Week started again – and whereas last year´s main location was in Wedding (oh yes, darling!) this year it´s the same procedure as all the years before – the Brandenburg Gate, Tempelhof, blablabla.
Anyway, you won´t see the Weddingers shed tears about this change because we treasure our own little vogue gems regardless of any fashion week. They are special, often flashy, other times they are, let´s say, a little avangardistic… We even have shop windows that are decorated in corresponding colors according to the season!
Of course we acknowledge: this style is not for everyone. But the brave know that Fashion Week in Wedding is all year round!

Updating Fabled Observations – Part 3

Wedding places, things and people come and go – and what remains is, unfortunately, not always what we most need or desire…


Utopias, Fairytales, Odes

Besides all hipster craziness going on in Berlin, fortunately, there still exist places that look like scenery backdrops of some fairy tales. Even, surprisingly, in rough and tough Wedding.
But in most fairy tales at some point a terrible demon or a fierce dragon menaces the idyll and courageous heroes have to fight for their right.
In this special case, several months ago, a municipal building corporation took over little Wiesenburg in Wedding. Built in 1896 as a homeless shelter, partly destroyed during WW II, it had become a refuge for artisans and artists, a suggestive playing field for performances and stagings. Famous German film directors Fritz Lang and Rainer Werner Fassbinder chose this special place as location for their movies. Now, due to several inspections, part of the Wiesenburg will be closed for security reasons – or is the dragon planning to use it for its own purposes, maybe as a new dungeon?
What is going to happen is not clear and maybe protests of the brave Wiesenburgers averted worse –  but probably you will never be able to see the Wiesenburg again like you do now on our pictures…

Updating Fabled Observations – Part 2

As winter goes and spring comes we continue to update our fabled observations.

Unclear Feelings On

A German blog asked people about their attitude and feelings concerning life in Wedding. – We think that living in Wedding is like putting a coin into a bubblegum machine – you never know what you get. Possibilities are high to have one of the multicolored little chiclets, maybe just once in a lifetime you might hit the jackpot and be rewarded with a little extrapresent but sometimes the coin will just get stuck and you´ll have nothing at all.
After the annual (???) upfilling and cleaning the machine becomes dirty and sticky again within a blink of the eye and before using it you`ll want to lift the little lid to check if hidden trash might prevent the treasure from popping out. Actually, even as a child sometimes you would not use it if it wasn´t so much cheaper than the shiny sweets at the supermarket cash desk. On the other hand you don´t want the machines to be taken down because you have some really nice memories and nostalgic feelings about it. And oh boy, would you miss that little surprise!


Updating Fabled Observations – Part 1

“Der Wedding kommt!” – that is the sentence you will hear quite often when people talk about our neighbourhood. It says literally “Wedding is coming” and means figuratively that Wedding will become hip someday very soon. But in fact this “very soon” is lasting now almost 20 years – which is fine with us. Each time a new restaurant or a new bar is opened here it is “oh, der Wedding kommt!” but then not really a lot is changing. So the famous sentence by the Italian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa in his book “the Leopard/il Gattopardo” came to our mind: “Everything needs to change, so everything can stay the same”. Probably everywhere in Berlin there are different phases of matter and transition and here in Wedding we can spot all of them. Happily we see Wedding coming, Wedding leaving, Wedding staying (“Der Wedding kommt”, “Der Wedding geht”, “Der Wedding bleibt”).
Have a look at the photos and let your own associations arise!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Coming back soon with new stories from Berlin-Wedding…


Underwear Falling Off

Hot town, summer in the city – sunny places, low-lying hills and remarkable views in the parks of Wedding!


Urban Fanciful Outings

It`s summer in Berlin-Wedding and high time to go on vacation! No money for a trip far away? No problem! You can stay in Wedding and contemporaneously travel around the world. You should start with plane-spotting – the corresponding background sound effects will help you to get just this holiday feeling. Only some steps more and you will discover interesting cities, new countries and exotic landscapes.


Unlikely Flow Operator


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